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About Confernce

World Congress on Materials Science & Engineering [Materials Science Conferences] is going to be held in Prague, Czech Republic during August 26-27, 2020. Materials Science and Engineering Conferences offer attendees the chance to be a part of this conference and share your information cordially, contributing towards the success of the conference in 2020. So, we delightfully invite you to joins us for Materials Science Conferences 2020 and share your information and skill on our world platform. Materials Science Conferences offers the essential ideas associated with the innovation of latest materials and technologies for property. The field of Materials Science and Engineering involves a large range of sectors of markets growing severally like Engineering Resins, chemical compound Alloys and blends, advanced batteries and fuel cells and then on. It enables to know the recent trends in the Material Science and Engineering by professed scientists globally. It allows the company representatives to exhibit their products and to have meetings with the scientists in order to increase their business opportunities.
Come to be a part of Materials Science and Engineering!!
This event will be an occurrence for participants and delegates to form new acquaintances and strengthen existing friendships. Material Science 2020 program motivates and encourages young scientists and graduate students to reinforce their analysis and career level.
Our multidisciplinary meeting can feature the foremost up-to-date analysis, various topics of interest, and academic sessions with leading specialists within the arena of material Science, Graphene, Nanomaterial’s, Engineering, Biomaterials, Metallurgy, Physics, and Chemistry. We hope that, despite an intense program, you furthermore may ready to get some glimpses of our host city Prague. Prague is one amongst  leading holidaymaker destinations and its diversity supports a spirited cultural scene, additionally to its economy and infrastructure.
We are looking forward to welcoming you all for what promises to be an outstanding educational and industrial event.
Members Associated with Nanotechnology:
Eminent Scientists, Research Professors, Rectors
Marketing Professionals, Regulatory Officials, Engineers
Students and research scholars
Members of different medical associations
Governmental and public bodies
Advocacy groups, Institutional Board members
The top ten advances in materials science
1. International technology roadmap for semiconductors
2. Scanning probe microscopes
3. Giant magnetoresistive effect
4. Semiconductor lasers and LEDs
5. National nanotechnology initiative
6. Carbon fiber reinforced plastics
7. Materials for Li ion batteries
8. Carbon nanotubes
9. Soft lithography
10. Metamaterials 
Researchers and Faculty Members: Speaker Presentations, Poster Display, Symposium hosting (4 to 5 membered team), Workshop and Scientific Exhibition.
For Universities, Associations & Societies: Association Partnering, Collaboration proposals, Academic Partnering, Group Participation.
Students and Research Scholars: Poster presentation (Winner will get Best Poster Award), Young Researcher Forum (YRF Award to the best presenter), Student Attendee, Group registrations.
For Product Manufacturers: Exhibitor and Vendor booths, Sponsorships opportunities, Product launch, Workshop organizing, Scientific Partnering, Marketing and Networking with clients.
For Business Delegates: Speaker Presentations, Symposium Hosting, Book Launch Event, Networking opportunities, B2B Meetings, Audience participation.


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